Together with bloggers from the beauty blog Pretty Connected, we’ve just held our first Share Your Beauty product drive giving event! Pretty Connected brought together professionals from the beauty industry to donate products and fill 100 tote bags with soaps, makeup, nail polish, hair products and more. The bags, along with 22 other boxes of donated products, were delivered to the Henry Street Settlement in New York City to be given to women in homeless and domestic violence shelters as gifts on Mother’s Day. Our goal is to bring a little beauty and dignity back into the lives of women who are struggling to overcome extreme poverty. Read more.
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Want to do something nice? Purchase a pair of cozy, new children’s pajamas and a stuffed animal, and send them to an American child living in poverty. Help make a child in need feel secure and cared for! Click here to learn more.
A few ideas:
- Host a “Stuffed Shirt” event with friends or co-workers and provide personal care items for the homeless.
- Host a Birthday Box event and provide a “birthday in a box” for children in need.
- Host a “Fill Me Up” Canned Food Drive for your neighborhood food pantry… we’ll link you up!
- Or gather your friends and neighbors and refresh your wardrobe through Swap for a Cause… and help F-to-F at the same time.
In an effort to make giving easy and “out-of-the-box,” we’ve created “Food on the Move!” – a simple way for people moving from one home to another to “share their bounty” on moving day! Families cleaning out kitchen cupboards as they pack up to move can fill a shopping bag with unwanted nonperishable food items and hang it on their front doorknob, and their realtor will pick it up for a local food pantry. Simple giving. Realtors and movers… Learn more here.
Please join our efforts to make the holidays bright for families struggling to get by this winter season….the Family-to-Family way! Here are a few hands-on ways you and your family can help.
- STUFF A STOCKING for a child in need.
- Join F-to-F’s annual unwrapped TOY DRIVE and make it possible for a mom or dad in poverty to “shop” for just the right gift for their child.
- Provide your children with a concrete, meaningful way to give to another child — join GIVE IT UP FOR KIDS IN NEED!
Another option….let us do the shopping for you, by packing up and sending a “BOX OF HOLIDAY CHEER” to a family in need.
Or consider one of our COMPASSIONATE GIFT ALTERNATIVES made in the name of a friend, colleague or loved one.