Family-to-Family is proud to have been chosen by “Listen to Your Mother NYC“ as the charity that benefited from the proceeds of this past weekend’s performance at New York’s “Symphony Space” theater in honor of Mother’s Day. “Listen to Your Mother” was a series of live readings by writers and performers telling their own tales of motherhood…a fun and meaningful way to celebrate.
We’ve been touched and overwhelmed by the generosity of so many in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, that we thought we’d share just one of the many most recent examples. When the furniture company Abbyson Living contacted us wanting to donate to Sandy families who had lost their furniture, we linked them up with five hard-hit families living in a low income housing project in Far Rockaway, NY… Abbyson has since sent each family a gorgeous leather sectional couch!
Sponsor a child and feed a hungry mind! We’ve already linked up over 135 children with donors through our One Book At A Time program. We’ll match your family with a child in need…and ask you to send “one book at a time” with a letter each month. Learn more.
Exciting News here at Family-to-Family…. NBC Nightly News’ “Make a Difference” segment featured our GivingWorks program in Pembroke, Illinois. Click here to watch it.
Created as a way to give kids with “less” the opportunity to be givers too, and using the power of books, GivingWorks provides a group of impoverished children with a hands-on giving experience….an experience that we hope will turn the idea of empathy into action.
The accolades we’ve received from teachers and librarians at the schools where we’ve hosted GivingWorks events have happily been unanimous.
Along with Pembroke, over the last few months we’ve hosted events in Brownsville (Brooklyn), N.Y., and 2 in Dallas, Texas… and coming this month, in Houston, TX., Yonkers, N.Y. and Washington Heights, N.Y. Learn more.
We’re proud to announce that Family-to-Family has been selected by Robin Hood — the foundation distributing proceeds from “12-12-12 The Concert for Sandy Relief” — to receive a grant allowing us to continue Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.
While the initial rush to help victims of Hurricane Sandy is over, many families remain in desperate need of help. Family-to-Family is committed to help these families through our ongoing Hurricane Sandy sponsorship program, as we continue to match sponsor families who sign up on our website with families affected by the storm.
Since Sandy hit, more than 750 donors from across the U.S. have signed up to sponsor a family hit hard by the storm, and we’ve already matched them with over 300 “Sandy” families…. asking that they send “their” families specific items lost in the storm — everything from blankets and sheets…. to dishes….to teapots.
Since so many families have lost their homes, we can only imagine how difficult the upcoming holiday season will be for them. But you can help us help.
We are arranging to provide a full “Thanksgiving in a Box” meal to as many hurricane affected families in the New York area as we can.
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