Helping Local Asylum Seekers
When 66 asylum seekers landed in mid-June in Ardsley, New York, a town located a stone’s throw from our offices, Family-to-Family joined up with several other local nonprofits to help provide for their immediate needs. To date, thanks to our donor’s generosity, we’ve been able to give each adult $100 in Visa gift cards, supplied each person with a backpack full of personal care products, with a duffle bag so they can carry their things, and distributed new strollers, kids’ clothing and shoes. These families have travelled a long way — they started in Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Russia, Congo, Guinea and Senegal, and all crossed into the U.S. at the southern Texas border. From there they were sent to New York. Our goal is to make them feel welcome in their new community! Other organizations are stepping in with food and adult clothing, and a local summer camp is providing free camp for the children. We hope to continue to provide Visa gift cards until everyone finds a job! You can join our effort here.